In order to ensure that you get the best possible continuity of medical care we keep records of every consultation. Your written records are locked when the surgery is shut and your computer records can only be accessed by secure passwords. All doctors and staff are governed by strict rules of confidentiality and training is given to all new staff members. Training in data protection and confidentiality is repeated annually for all staff.
Your records are managed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and no information given to us can be divulged to any third party unless you give us explicit permission to do so. Relevant details of your medical history may be passed to another clinician to whom you are being referred, if you have any concerns about this, please speak to your GP.
We cannot give out any information about you to friends, family, partners, employers, police, Social Services, benefits agencies, insurance companies, solicitors, etc, without your permission.
You have a right of access to your own records should you wish to read them and are also entitled to see any written reports about you before they are sent.