Non-NHS Services and Private Fees

Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the below.

The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.

List of private fees
Item Price Notes Who pays?
Simple Vehicle Exam £95.00 Taxi and private hire Patient pays
Full Vehicle Exam £120.00 HGV, PSV and some minicab Patient pays
Private Sick Note £26.00 Sick notes within 7 days and ‘Fit to Work’ letters Patient pays
Other ‘Fit’ letters £32.00 Exercise, travel, school Patient pays
Health assessment, prospective parent/carer Form AH £84.00 Fostering AH form Patient pays
Private blood tests £38.00 Blood draw fee, specific tests chargeable Patient pays
“To whom it may concern” letter £30.00   Patient pays
Recreational diving statement £65.00 Some GPs will be unwilling to do these Patient pays
Holiday/travel insurance: cancellation claim £35.00 Simple certificate of fact Patient pays
Firearms license £50.00   Patient pays
Private Prescription fee £20.00   Patient pays
Certificate of Existence (for identity purposes) £25.00   Patient pays
Insurance Forms (iGPR) £104.00   Insurance company usually pays
Insurance Forms (supplementary request) £50.00   Insurance company usually pays
Other uncategorised fees £120 per 30 minutes
£240 per 60 minutes
Total cost dependant on GP time spent Patient pays
Validation of private medical insurance claim form to support a claim, or completion of a pre-treatment form £55.00   Patient pays - some insurance companies will reimburse the patient up to a certain amount.
Paper print-outs (non-SAR requests) 50p per page Pages can be printed single or double sided at request of patient Patient pays

List of private vaccinations - Vaccine (Brand name)
Vaccine Price: Single Vaccine Price: Full Course Immunisation Schedule and notes
Hepatitis B Adult (EnergixB) £65 £195 3 doses (0, 1 and 6 months)
Hepatitis B Paediatric (EnergixB Junior) £50 £150 3 doses (0, 1 and 6 months)
Meningitis ACWY (Nimenrix) £82 £82 Single dose
Oral Cholera (Dukoral) £36.50 £73 2 doses (0 and 1-6 weeks) 2 years and older
Rabies (Rabipur) £85 £255 3 doses (0, 7, 21 days)
Yellow Fever (Stamaril) Not available here Contact Yellow Fever Site
Influenza (brand names differ) £25 £25 Single dose
Pneumonia Private (Pneumovax) £42 £42 Single dose
Pneumonia Private (Prevenar 13) £70 £70 Single dose
Hepatitis A (Avaxim) £75 £75 Travel Vaccinationm ONLY FIRST EVER Hep A available on NHS thereafter private
Shingles Vaccine (Zostavax) £190 £190 Single
Shingles Vaccine (Shingrix) £230 £460 2 doses (0, 2-6 months)
Varicella (Varivax or Varilrix) £80 £160 Children (12 months to 12 years of age): If a second dose is administered, there should be a minimum interval of 3 months between doses.

Adolescents (≥13 years of age) and Adults: 2 doses, to be administered with a minimum interval of 4 weeks between doses.
Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro) £90 £180 0, 28 days
Meningitis B £150 £300 Infants 2-5 months of age, three doses of 0.5 ml each at one month apart
Infants 6-11 months of age, two doses of 0.5ml each two months apart.
Children 12-23 months of age, two doses of 0.5ml each two months apart.
Children 2 – 10 years, two doses of 0.5ml each, two months apart.
Adolescents (11 years of age upwards) and adults two doses of 0.5ml one month apart.
There are no data in adults above 50 years of age.
Hepatitis A + B (Twinrix) £70 £210 0 -1 – 6 months - rapid protection in adults (18 years and above), use 0, 7 and 21 days schedule
Hepatitis A and B Child (Twinrix Paediatric) £55 £165 0, 1 and 6 months
Typhoid (Typhim Vi) £50 £50 Needs booster every 3 years Travel Vaccination - ONLY FIRST EVER Typhoid available on NHS thereafter private
HPV Vaccination (Gardasil 9) £200 £400 2 doses (0 and 6-24 months)