Please join us on zoom on Wednesday 8 December at 11:00, as The Good Practice brings you a virtual coffee morning with Herve Bessieres from Open Age!

Open Age works across Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster and Hammersmith and Fulham to enable anyone aged 50 or older to sustain their physical and mental fitness, maintain an active lifestyle and develop new and stimulating interests. They provide opportunites for members to take part in meaningful activities, strengthen their sense of community, rediscover old hobbies, find new ones, make new friends and more of all, have fun! This helps combat loneliness and isolation and improve the health and wellbeing of older Londoners.

Hervé has been working as Locality Manager south for Open Age since 2019. Prior to Open Age, he worked to lead a service commissioned by Public Health England in Westminster. He is a registered Nutritionist (Hons Degree) and BACPR instructor and has worked in health and wellbeing promotion for the last six years. He is passionate about health equality and improving health of communities. We are excited to welcome him to our next coffee morning. 

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Published: Nov 8, 2021